Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Emmie's shopping day

Emmie has been asking for earrings. I have not been ready for this step and have been putting it off. Emmie has not forgotten and keeps asking for earrings. I finally agreed. I told her that we would go and get her some earrings. On Sunday, I took her to the mall to get a gift and to get her earrings as she calls it. We were in Nordstrom looking for a gift and I found a pair of sunglasses in my purse. I took them out and told Emmie that we can not just take things that we have to pay for them first. Before we left the store I found another pair of sunglasses and about 4 really cute sparkly shirts in my bag. Good thing I didn't get arrested. We went into the mall to get Emmies earrings but not before she managed to get out of one store and into another with a little purse.

We finally arrived to get Emmies earrings. She did not realize what was going to happen. I am certain I was more nervous then she was. She cried for a minute and then got a sucker. Her earrings are very pretty and she is a PRINCESS!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


We go to Lagoon once every year which seems to be just the right amount of time. Yesterday we went to Lagoon with Gabe and Emmies cousins, Heather and Mike, Kirsty and Grandma Dee. Papa came later after the BYU game of course.
Gabe was 8 this year so we figured that he would be ready for some bigger rides and we were right. He was ready for the white roller coaster and the tidal wave. He did really well and had a lot of fun riding some of the bigger rides. It was great to see him having so much fun and enjoying it. One of the last rides was the new ride "THE WICKED". Gabe got in line with everyone and was doing just fine. I was a bit nervous for him but figured if it scared him he would still be ok. Well, after a while of waiting I figured they had to be close so I went up to check. They were actually on the ride and I could see them from where I was standing. It looked a bit much for me. Anyway, after they came to a stop I noticed Gabe was no where in the seats with them. I looked around where I was standing and there he was alone and sobbing. I felt so sad for him. But, the good news is he lived!!!
Emmie had a blast on all of the kiddie rides. She loved everything and didn't want to get off of the planes. She even went on the little Rocket and said it tickled her belly... She is so funny.
At the very end of the day. Heather, Mike, Kirsty and her friend decided to do the free fall.
It was very exciting to watch them. I cannot imagine myself ever doing it but looked like the thrill of a lifetime. It was a fun day at Lagoon with the family. Wish everyone could have been there to share it with us..

Why Makeup?

Yesterday I was getting ready and Gabe came in. He said, mommy why do you need makeup? It really doesn't make a difference. See, now your skin is a different color. I said, well Gabe it covers my blemishes and zits. He said, see mom that is just it you look better with the zits.....
I love that he loves me just the way I am.
If only everyone saw it the same way. Life would be so much easier............

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where is Grandma New?

Gabe and Emmie's great Grandma Newman died last year on Thanksgiving Day. She was a very special person in all of our lives. All of the children were very close to thier Grandma "NEW" as Gabe has always called her.
Last night before bed Emmie said, where is Grandma New? I said, Grandma New is in heaven. Emmie replied, I want to go see her. I said, I am sorry but, we can not see Grandma New in heaven. Emmie did not like this answer. She said YES, I WANT TO SEE GRANDMA NEW IN HEAVEN TOMORROW...
Not sure how to argue with that....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day Of Pre School

Today was the first day of pre school for my baby. It seems like just yesterday I came home from the hospital with a brand new baby girl and today she is off to pre school. At what point did my baby become a little girl? Which has brought me to blogging. It made me realize that life is too short and that it is important to record the important things each and everday!!!!

Emmie has been talking about going to school for a week straight. Ever since Gabe started school last Monday. All she has been saying is "I go to school". Well, today was the test. Would she really be so big and brave? The answer is YES she was. She did not seem to care if I was there or not. She marched down the hall into her classroom, sat down on the play mat with all of the kids and toys and made herself right at home. I thought she would be a bit hesitant about it for just a minute maybe? NOPE, she is little miss independant!!!

Gabe (her big brother) was so excited to pick her up from school today. He ran as fast as he could home from school. When we got there she was patiently waiting with her craft of the day. She had had the time of her life. I am so excited that she is going to love "The Winner School". And I am sad my baby is growing up too quickly.